Iraqi student and family arrested while depositing check
Sattar Ali, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at Wichita State, said he and his family were racially profiled and arrested while depositing a check Wednesday.
Ali, who is originally from Iraq and came to the United States in 1993, said he was depositing a check for nearly $151,000 at the Emprise Bank location at 21st Street and Woodlawn Avenue when over 15 police cars showed up and arrested him. Ali’s wife and 15-year-old daughter were also arrested. He said the check came from a house he sold in Michigan.
“No one told me why I was being arrested until we were being released,” Ali said. “They didn’t read me rights or anything.”
Ali said he was later told that the bank had trouble verifying the check and called the police.
Ali said he provided all the necessary documentation and information needed to verify the check, including the information from the company that issued the check. He also said that police did not take steps to verify the check until after the arrest was made.
“They jumped to conclusions,” Ali said, because the check was “presented by someone named Sattar Ali, not James or Robert.”
Ali said he and his family were arrested at 11:30 a.m. and held in separate cells until they were released around 3:00 p.m., when police confirmed that the check was legitimate.
“We were devastated. Terrified. Crying the whole time,” Ali said. “We had no idea what the arrest was for.”
Ali said he was especially troubled by the fact that his wife and daughter were arrested.
“Let’s assume I made a mistake and gave them a bad check,” Ali said. “Why would they arrest my wife and daughter?”
Ali said his wife and daughter were waiting in their car, outside the bank.
“How would they know those people are with me?” Ali said.
“The only reason I can think of is racial profiling,” Ali said. “We have some discrimination issues.”
Ali lived in Wichita from 1999 to 2008. He and his family moved back to Wichita Aug. 21.
Ali said it was the first time he felt unwelcome in Wichita.
“I would expect this in the 1950s. Not now,” Ali said.
“I don’t want people to feel sad for me. I just want people to be aware that we have an issue,” Ali said. “This shouldn’t be a product of 21st century.”
Ali said he plans to take legal action in response to the incident.

Jenna Farhat was the news editor of The Sunflower. Farhat majored in creative writing.
Kambiz • Sep 16, 2017 at 12:55 am
The 911 call from Emprise Bank to the Wichita Police about Mr. Ali’s check just came out. The answer is yes, he was racially profiled. At one point, the female employee tells the police dispatcher that she believes Mr. Ali is “Pakistani”.
Sensationalist Idiots • Sep 17, 2017 at 2:16 pm
That means nothing. I’m not saying that he was not racially profiled, but it is standard procedure to ask for a person’s race when a report is being made. If you listen to the call, the dispatcher asks for the “name”, and the employee responds with the race. The dispatcher then asks again for the “name”. It is possible that the employee misheard the first time. Again, I’m not saying that this is not racial profiling, jist that we can’t jump to a certain conclusion without certainty. Some people want to assume that Mr. Ali is trying to take the bank and the police department for a ride and others assume that the bank employees were motivated by nothing but racism. Both approaches are wrong.
You should try reporting on what was *actually* stated in the call and maintain a neutral tone. Is that so hard?
@iKambiz • Sep 15, 2017 at 11:56 pm
911 Call from Emprise Bank to Wichita Police About Sattar Ali
@iKambiz • Sep 15, 2017 at 11:33 pm
911 Call from Empries Bank to Wichita Police
Patrick • Sep 14, 2017 at 8:01 am
Update from the Wichita Eagle :
Sensationalist Idiots • Sep 13, 2017 at 11:40 pm
15 police cruisers? “Ali said” there were 15 cruisers, huh? You really think Wichita has the time and effort to dispatch FIFTEEN cruisers for some crap like this?
Detained for theee hours? Arrested at 11:30am and released at 3:00pm? That’s just intriguing as all hell, because other sources are saying that they were detained for a whopping 48 minutes.
I’m all for shaming and bringing justice down, but all of you sensationalist morons who want to throw the gavel at everyone and scream and cry about it online without checking ANY facts need to calm down and SHUT UP. Don’t take trash reporting from trash ‘editors’ like this ‘Jenna Farhat’ as gospel. It’s clear that she has poor rational faculties and since you do too, you shouldn’t rely on this buttwipe of a news source.
Settle down • Sep 14, 2017 at 1:03 am
You prove your own point.
Sensationalist Idiots • Sep 14, 2017 at 3:33 pm
I’m going to assume that you are saying that based on my use of capital letters for a cheap form of emphasis because you are equating it to “screaming and crying.” If I am mistaken, correct me.
You Gotta BE Kidding • Sep 14, 2017 at 6:31 am
Since you have opened the door, please provide links to any and every other source of information on this case which you used as a basis for your accusatory and defamatory post. My bet is that you do not provide such information, nor follow up further in this venue.
Sensationalist Idiots • Sep 14, 2017 at 3:47 pm
What accusations, and what defamation? Do you mean to tell me that my anonymous, buried comment on the webpage of a low-quality college-level rag has measurably impacted someone’s personal reputation?
You Gotta BE Kidding • Sep 14, 2017 at 3:52 pm
As I thought. Diversion and distraction, but no follow-up with the information you claimed to have. Typical.
Sensationalist Idiots • Sep 14, 2017 at 3:58 pm
The Wichita Eagle reports that police were dispatched at around 12:40pm, whereas this article states that Ali was arrested at 11:30am.
KWCH states that it took 48 minutes for the check to be verified by police from the time the family was taken downtown.
Curiously, I have yet to see any corroboration for the “15 cruisers” claim.
Nay sayer • Sep 15, 2017 at 8:13 pm
Why dont you chek with the bank and police department. You fools sure question everything but never actually verofy when the info is available to do so.
But I guess this shouldn’t be a surprise, you thought Trump would make America great again, even though so many of his businesses failed, all of his products are made outside the US and he had to run to Russia for financial support!
Way to pick a great business man to lead the country. Boy I’m tired of all this winning.
Sensationalist Idiots • Sep 15, 2017 at 10:27 pm
@Nay sayer: I question everything because the burden of proof lies on the party making the claim, sorry. And I didn’t vote Trump, sorry again. Maybe you should question more things.
Sensationalist Idiots • Sep 14, 2017 at 3:50 pm
Jenna Farhat,
I would like to take a moment to apologize personally — I should not have singled you out like that. While it is my opinion that this article is of poor quality, you do not deserve to be called a ‘trash editor.’ I really have no idea what the rest of your work is like. Sorry.
@iKambiz • Sep 15, 2017 at 11:58 pm
911 Call From Emprise Bank to Wichita Police About Sattar Ali
Don Geronimo • Sep 13, 2017 at 9:11 pm
If Florida is the penis of America, then Kansas is truly the asshole.
Kambiz • Sep 13, 2017 at 5:31 pm
Sattar Ali and his family experienced multiple acts of racism and discrimination. The ordeal started with Emprise Bank by escalating the matter to the Wichita Police, however the Wichita Police made the ordeal even worse by sending “15” units to the Bank, arresting Mr. Ali’s wife and daugher, calling Mr. Ali’s son’s school to notify them of the arrests, and capping it off by holding them hostage for hours until the check could be verified! I have also worked at a bank for many years and I can think of a few different ways to handle Mr. Ali’s deposit without contacting the police.
Jim Sears • Sep 13, 2017 at 4:55 pm
Why didn’t “The Sunflower” contact the police department to get their side of what happened and why thee people were detained? Seems as though you are taking this man’s story as the gospel without knowing all the facts.
? • Sep 14, 2017 at 1:05 am
Are you saying this because you’re racist?
Roger Nunaart • Sep 14, 2017 at 1:45 pm
Who says they didn’t? If you want to see the police response go to the Wichita Eagle site. Bet your a orange evil supporter.
Steve • Sep 13, 2017 at 3:39 pm
With a little investigative journalism. I wonder if you could open records request a copy of the phone call the employee made to the police. I would love to see what was said that prompted a 15 car response and whole family detainment from the police department. Please follow up.
Stupid • Sep 13, 2017 at 3:16 pm
Majority of the comments smell of ignorance, it must be nice to form an opinion based on only hearing one side. But hey, liberals base everything off of emotion.
gerard • Sep 13, 2017 at 4:51 pm
First, you make a little sense, and then you show your true colours,
by making an assumption you cannot prove.
You are a very emotional guy, who doesn’t care how horrendous this story is.
You still feel the need to downplay people, and feel good about yourself.
What’s actual accurate is your name and nothing more.
Call it what it is • Sep 14, 2017 at 1:07 am
What does liberal have to do with anything? That’s really not even a thing. If you actually want to play that game, then you just called yourself a racist, bigoted alt-right.
Stupid • Sep 14, 2017 at 5:14 pm
Can you point out what was racist
Jason Jehosephat • Sep 13, 2017 at 2:33 pm
The events related in this article are so far-fetched that either they’re false or the reporter has done an irresponsible, lamentable job of getting crucial facts. Indeed, why would they arrest his wife and daughter? Since when do police arrest family members of people accused of committing, unless the family members themselves are also accused of committing crimes? What did the police charge them with: Sitting in the seat of a car while waiting for their husband/father to return from his bank errand?
As for the bank officer, even if he’s a bigot, that wouldn’t make him ignorant of the fact that all sorts of people, even Muslims and Middle Easterners and South Asians and so forth, live in this country and own homes and, yes, even sell them. So the implication that the bank officer looked at the man and the size of the check and assumed, directly, that the police should be involved would warrant more detail from a responsible reporter.
Bill • Sep 14, 2017 at 5:58 pm
You evidently feel justified in assuming facts not in evidence, or are incapable of doing any simple research on your own. Both the bank and the police have verified this story as factual, and have (albeit late) apologized.
April Flowers • Sep 13, 2017 at 12:44 pm
All of the people involved should be fired. I would be suing the bank and the police department. And go home with some big bucks.
Baruch • Sep 13, 2017 at 12:18 pm
Shame shame shame on the Wichita PD and on the bank. The cops and the folks at the bank are ignorant and stupid and mean spirited. I hope the cops involved lose their jobs, same with the bank teller and manager. This is disgusting.
Joe Maahma • Sep 13, 2017 at 7:39 am
I find the tone in “You Gotta Be Kidding’s” statement above INCREDIBLY troubling – specifically, this paragraph:
“A more reasonable explanation for the incident is that a bank employee saw an arabic looking man, and two women in Hijabs outside the bank, assumed this was a terroristic incident and called for police assistance before Mr Ali even entered the bank.”
So with this “reasoning”, every time an African-American walks into my convenience store, I should phone the police, because I assumed that this is a criminal incident…….????
Make America Great Again…….
You Gotta BE Kidding • Sep 13, 2017 at 6:54 pm
I suspect you should only press the “Schvoogie Button”if you are as paranoid of folks who are different from yourself as the bank employees would appear to have been.
Christopher R Stalcup • Sep 13, 2017 at 2:16 am
§ 1020.320 (b)(3) Reports by banks of suspicious transactions.
Real McCoy • Sep 13, 2017 at 1:01 am
As someone who formerly worked at Emprise Bank (including that location, as a fill-in), this story terrifies me. I can just about guarantee that if I was in that position, I would have phoned the police, REGARDLESS of race. In fact, I did one time phone the corporate office due to a suspicious check. The fact of the matter is, if the check had been bad–and there’s almost literally no way of verifying that on the spot (unless the party writing the check is also an Emprise customer)–and the teller had deposited the check, they would have been fired.
It’s clear as day that no one commenting on this story has ever held a teller position. No one seems to realize that the second you deposit a check, that money becomes available (barring putting a hold on the funds–which still doesn’t eliminate risk). What that means is, the second it’s deposited, even if it’s fake, you can turn right around and withdraw that money. So a possible scenario could go like this: Man deposits fake check of $150k, teller accepts it (no hold), man turns around and withdraws thousands and thousands of dollars before bank figures out said check is fake, bank is out of whatever sum of money he withdrew, teller is out of job.
In summary, $150k is FARRRRRRRRRRRR too large of a check for any normal person to submit at one time without raising a lot of eyebrows. It’s not profiling. It’s simply a case of the teller doing their job, and the bank not being in the business of losing money.
Sadly for Emprise, many people will read this story and the comments and not understand that this is standard protocol, and they’ll still end up losing a lot of money over it, due to bad PR. Also, I’m not saying the cops were right to cuff the entire family in this incident. But that ought to go on Sedgwick County.
Real McCoy • Sep 13, 2017 at 1:13 am
By “normal person”, btw, I mean any person, regardless of race, who is not a high-profile customer. A high-profile customer in Wichita would basically be a large business or anyone whose family is known to be very wealthy. But even then–even if the teller could see that the customer had compensating funds in their account which would cover the potentially bad check, they would still likely investigate if the check looks suspicious (e.g., not a local check). Even rich people who have the best intentions fall prey to scams. It’s a teller’s job to constantly be on the lookout for things that are out of the ordinary and to notify authorities when things don’t feel right. And a check written out for $150k is going to scream “out of the ordinary” 99% of the time, regardless of whether it’s good or bad (which, again, I stress, is often impossible to tell on the spot).
George Mendon • Sep 13, 2017 at 2:55 pm
If you really were a bank teller, you’d know that you could put a hold on the check for five business days, which is normal with a large sum. This, if the facts as report are correct, was clearly racial profiling.
Bill • Sep 14, 2017 at 5:52 pm
Note that this was a Certified Check from the a bank in Dearborn, Michigan. The gentleman only wish to open an account and deposit this Certified Check into the new account. He did not ask for any money. In fact he emphasized that he wouldn’t need the money until he’d found a house to buy.
If you are a typical example of an Emprise employee, it’s no wonder that this incident happened.
George Mendon • Sep 15, 2017 at 12:55 am
I’m not a bank employee Bill, and never stated that I was. I just pointed out that there are other options than calling the police in a case like this. Or was this reply intended for Real MaCoy?
Bill • Sep 15, 2017 at 9:23 am
The comment above was directed to Real McCoy… 😉
You Gotta BE Kidding • Sep 13, 2017 at 6:41 pm
Frankly, I doubt that you are, as you claim, a “Real McCoy”. Unless Emprise differs from the normal banking community in its practices and rules, it should be standard operating practice to accept and to submit for collection large out of state checks. In standard banking practice, a multi-day hold will be placed on such a check until collection has been confirmed and the actual moneys represented by the check are booked into the receiving bank.
The first “Red Flag” trhat you are not who you say you are is that you consider a $150K check to be particularly large. Between home sales, severance benefit checks, retirement fund transfers and other sizeable disbursements which are common and regular, the appearance of checks of that siaze and larger are a daily occurrence at even the most local of branch banks. I doubt that it is standard operating practice for Emprise or any other bank in the State of Kansas to call the cops on a depositor based onj the size of a check. With a hold in place, the true nature and backing of the check can be determined in a timely manner with no risk to the receiving institution.
So whomever you are, and whatever you claim to be, I personally believe that you have no connection with, nor experience in any banking institution. As a quick test, can you provide a quote from the Emprize Standard Operating Procedures Manual which specifies the size of Out-of-State check which triggers a call to the local authorities to arrest the customer? I think not.
The thought that 15 police cruisers were summoned because a depositor walked in with a check for the proceeds from the sale of a homeis ludicrous. But, if that is the standard practice at Emprise, then any and all depositors need to immediately find another institution as custodian of their deposits.
As they say in the town where I grew up: “Tell your story walking”
Theodoresdaddy • Sep 13, 2017 at 10:41 pm
how hard is it for someone at a bank to contact the issuing bank to verify the validity of the check? I’ve never had a check over probably $100 available for immediate withdraw unless it was drawn on my bank.
the bank screwed up big time
DaveB • Sep 14, 2017 at 8:56 am
As a former employee of a much larger bank, I say you’re full of it. Even bank employees not in any kind of customer facing role are required to know the regulations around large transactions, tellers definitely have to.
Above a certain threshold – which is up to the bank to determine – the bank MAY place a hold on a check pending clearance, this can be a complete or partial hold, releasing the bank from any risk of loss until the funds clear. If that bank would fire a teller for accepting a check for deposit that ultimately proved bad, when they have these provisions in place, they are a shitty employer. If they don’t have these provisions to limit their risk on any individual check they are a shitty bank.
Also, with the deposit amount being greater than $10k it is reportable under the anti-money-laundering laws and most responsible banks will hold funds until those steps and any resulting inquiry have been completed even after the check clears.
So the teller and the branch manager would at most have had extra “paperwork” to do on the deposit – in quotes because it’s all done electronically. Processing the deposit would have taken a couple of minutes longer and (unless they are the kind of bank that is so reckless to risk that I certainly wouldn’t leave a red cent of my money there – under the damn mattress would be safer) they would not be exposed to an unacceptable loss even if the check was bad or if it was drawn on illicit funds that were subsequently seized.
Your bullshit falls at the first fence. Either you’re a fake or the bank STILL deserves everything that’s coming to ’em because they shouldn’t be holding a banking license in any state.
Nay sayer • Sep 15, 2017 at 8:07 pm
What on the he’ll are you talking about? Ever bank places holds on check not from their own bank. 151k would not be immediately available unless the teller made it that way. If they didn’t do it that way then why the panic, assumptions and ignorance because they saw Muslims.
Are you a trumper that makes excuses for ignorant/racist people?!
StanH • Sep 12, 2017 at 10:15 pm
The man was DEPOSITING (not trying to cash) the check! Normal banking procedures (if there was some reason to question the draft in the first place) would be to place a hold on the funds under The Fed’s Regulation CC until they could be verified. For bank employees to call the police for a “suspected forgery” there should have been something (besides Ali’s name and skin color) to give rise to that suspicion, and something (what I can’t even conceive) to justify detaining not only him, but his family for hours. Without that, I believe that they have substantial grounds for suits against both the bank and the police department. This reeks of racial profiling!
Kenneth Benson • Sep 12, 2017 at 9:16 pm
“American Student and Family Arrested While Depositing Check” … fixed it for you!
You Gotta BE Kidding • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:36 pm
To the Editor and Reporters of The Sunflower. I believe you need to pursue the information in this story with a critical eye. Thge timing as reported, with about 5 minutes from when Mr. Ali entered the bank until he was handcuffed and emerged to see 15 patrol cars and his wife and daughter in custody do not fit with the bank’s explanation of “Suspected Check Fraud”.
If the 5 minute timing is correct, when in that 5 minute window were the police summoned such that they could be present in large numbers and already have the wife and daughter in custody and in a patrol car. How long does it take for the first responding unit to arrive, let alone 15 units. Unless they were all having a meeting at the donut shop around the corner, some had to come from many blocks away at a minimum.
A more reasonable explanation for the incident is that a bank employee saw an arabic looking man, and two women in Hijabs outside the bank, assumed this was a terroristic incident and called for police assistance before Mr Ali even entered the bank.
Here’s what you need to do. Pursue the 911 recordings of the incident and the police dispatch recordings of the incident. Trust me, they are all recorded, unless someone in a CYA move has already erased them.
This is why the bank said its employees acted correctly, and would want them to act similarly in another incident. This incident is not about Mr. Ali’s check, it is about his and his family’s appearance, and the bank personnel reaction to it.
Follow this up or not. Its completely up to you. Do ytou want to be a real newspaper, or just play-act at being one.
Unar • Sep 12, 2017 at 11:54 pm
I am American and wife wears hijab. US constitution allows me freedom of religion. Just by looking on our appearance, bank or someone will call police. To me, it is text book definition of discrimination. We need to know the law and protocol to implement that law/policy bank used.
Baruch • Sep 13, 2017 at 12:19 pm
So you are saying that racial profiling is ok with you. Shame on you.
Stephen Orosz • Sep 14, 2017 at 1:44 pm
“Seeing an arabic looking man and two women in hijabs outside the ban” is not a reason to assume that “it was a terrorist incident.” To make such an unwarranted assumption would be a textbook case of racial profiling.
R. Stanton Scott • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:34 pm
Go to the Emprise Bank website, click on “contact us,” and send them a message. Be polite. But explain why what they did was wrong and why you would never trust your money to them.
Bonus points if you’re an Emprise customer moving your deposits to another bank.
Ted Carter • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:18 pm
From the perspective of this old city editor, this is poor journalism. No effort made to contact the bank for at least a “no comment.”
For Realz? • Sep 12, 2017 at 5:21 pm
I am pretty sure this is not the FULL STORY. people need to do some more research before reporting…..
Phil • Sep 14, 2017 at 7:19 am
If you don’t believe it then it must be fake news. Because what you believe is the only possible reality. Time to turn on Limbaugh, I hear he stayed in his home in Florida during the fake hurricane.
Mark • Sep 12, 2017 at 5:13 pm
Anyone aware of The Wichita Eagle reporting on this story?
Seems the last Eagle story re. Emprise Bank dealt with:
Emprise Bank president Tom Page to retire at year’s end
By Jerry Siebenmark
August 31, 2017 10:43 AM
Read more here:
Why is the Eagle silent on this story?
Debbie • Sep 12, 2017 at 2:34 pm
CM Lopez • Sep 12, 2017 at 1:54 pm
May anyone who has any accounts with this bank, also have the human decency to close them.
Stephen Orosz • Sep 14, 2017 at 1:37 pm
Both the newspaper and the TV station provided the explanations offered by the police department and the bank.
Neither has denied any part of this story.
Fuck you • Sep 12, 2017 at 11:40 am
Where are the police statements? Where is proof this actually happend? ” surprised this would happen in 2017″ shit, I knew you would play the race card.
Roger Nunaart • Sep 14, 2017 at 1:30 pm
In answer to F*** you. Spoken like a true orange evil supporter. There is lots of proof but you apparently do not want to believe it. There will be more and more of this type of incidence in america because of the present administration in Washington. The orange evil and his surrogates continue there hateful comments every day pushing their alternate reality.
Jaime Gandarilla • Sep 12, 2017 at 10:22 am
As a non-heterosexual, non-white, I would NNEEVVEERR even get close to places like Kansas.
vcragain • Sep 12, 2017 at 10:21 am
I deposited a check for $48,000 about 2 yrs after I sold a little vacation home (at a loss mind you !) – I was wondering how the bank would react – the teller disappeared behind the counter with an ‘excuse me’ and after about 5 minutes returned & the transaction was completed without any other word. I knew there were rules about large amounts so I was absolutely expecting some kind of management involvement also, but luckily they didn’t suspect me of being a terrorist – I’m an old white bird so I guess I don’t fit the pattern ! So sorry this family faced such extremely disgusting behavior.
Distrust only breeds more distrust & into an ever-downward spiral and almost anything can be interpreted as ‘suspicious’ if you are already primed into that mode.
vcragain • Sep 12, 2017 at 10:22 am
2 yrs AGO – after I sold……… fixed !
Theodoresdaddy • Sep 13, 2017 at 10:37 pm
my mom did something similar and it was a cashier’s check; the teller called the issuing bank and they said it was good; took maybe 10 minutes tops
this is just ridiculous
Michael Morris • Sep 12, 2017 at 10:06 am
Rather than the bank stating that their employees followed the correct procedures, why not at least say you will change the obviously idiotic and racist procedures and retrain the racists you now employ. That might at least reduce the settlement you should pay as a result of the lawsuit.
lex lucid • Sep 12, 2017 at 9:20 am
Steve Bannon has announced that the family should feel proud, patriotic and safer that they were profiled. “Middle Eastern people in America should feel safer even when erroneously arrested”, stated Bannon. “It’s part of keeping America safe from terrorists, all of whom come from Middle Eastern and Islamic countries”. Bannon added, “This so-called profiling, combined with the vigilance of armed real Americans of Northern European Christian descent are our guarantee of public safety and the future of enlightened Christian capitalisme which is Amerika’s destiny.”
TA • Sep 14, 2017 at 12:28 pm
Can you post the link to this? I would like to see more:)
Rev. Joseph Peeler • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:57 am
This is why Kansas has become a “fly over state”. I feel sorry for the rational folks who live among these bigots.
Thomas Prince • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:47 am
Would be interesting to hear the bank’s response. You can contact them at (316) 383-4115.
Laurette • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:43 am
The behavior of the bank personnel and the police is outrageous and unAmerican.
I hope Sattar Ali sues both the bank & the police department and wins a very large settlement.
That the people of this city, close their accounts with this bank in protest of their racist,& xenophobia behavior. By closing their accounts it will send a very loud & clear message that this behavior is not acceptable ,
That the citizens send letters, phone calls, emails to the police chief, Mayor, Town Board, that the police reaction was racist & xenophobic and extreme to arrest the whole family especially a 15 year old child hold them for hours with out explanation of why, reading them their rights or a phone call to a lawyer is completely against our US Constitution and laws of the land. It sounds like the dept needs classes in civics, review of the Constitution, review of the laws, rules & regulations of the state and of the country. Classes on racism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism & anything else to make them better police office and to remember that the people of their fair city pay their salaries and that their job is SERVE & PROTECT not harass, arrest people with out just cause.
The Ali I apologize for the unprofessional behavior of the bank personally and the gestapo behavior of the police what they did was not what America stands for, well what it use to stand for but now with what’s happening with the leadership of this country our real values are being forgotten.
I hope you realize the majority of Americans are not like the people you experienced at the bank and the police force and I hope you win a lot of money from your lawsuit and move to a state that doesn’t behave like this like NY, MA, CA are just a few.
Ashleigh • Sep 19, 2017 at 12:28 pm
Why the hell are you categorizing everyone in Kansas to be this way….
Theresa Chaze • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:27 am
Mr. Ali,
I’m so sorry for what happened to you and your family. It was completely illegal and immoral. You need to sue the Enterprise Bank and the police department. The people of Kansas need to be ashamed.
Theresa Chaze
Theresa Chaze • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:30 am
Here is where to call.
9485 E 21st St N
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 383-4301
You Gotta BE Kidding • Sep 12, 2017 at 8:05 am
Just so you Kansans get the message, this story has spread notionally. It is helping to define what those of us who live in other states, you know, the civilized ones, think of the low brows and ignoramuses who live out your way.
I encourage Mr. Ali to sue the living daylights out of the bank, the police and then pursue individual actions against all bank personnel and LEO officers involved.
Really! 15 police cars for a man depositing a check. Barney Fife would be proud.
John R Costello • Sep 12, 2017 at 7:50 am
My advise them too is – Once you SUE, and WIN I HOPE…Get the HELL out of Kansas and Move to a BLUE state ASAP! ….even Dorothy has been heard saying “SCREW Kansas & Aunt EM & Uncle Henry, she’s STAYING in OZ” !
Howard Kay • Sep 12, 2017 at 7:24 am
He should sue the pants off the bank, and the police–for himself, as well as for others who may be affected by such stupidity.
I hope as well that customers of this bank will move their accounts. It is hard to imagine bankers more stupid than these.
Finally, Ali and others subject to stupidity like would be well-advised to adjust their thinking on matters like this, and instead of becoming upset, laugh at the idiots doing this nonsense, and while detained (or insulted by bankers et al) think about the justice they bring to the situation for themselves and others after release.
bbock • Sep 12, 2017 at 6:37 am
Assuming that the details in the article are true, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, the family should sue for violation of civil rights. There’s no reason for any detainment. And if there was, there’s no reason for the wife and daughter to be detained. I’ve deposited checks that couldn’t be immediately cleared. They place a hold and in the next week, they add the money to my account when it clears. I’ve never had one not clear, but presumably I’d get a letter.
He did the hypothetical of what if he did do something wrong—why arrest his wife. I’d add: assume the check was no good… why assume the person depositing it is the person committing a crime. You’d think this all could have been discussed inside the bank sitting in chairs over some coffee. Why do you need to cuff and stuff someone and his entire family? He should sue the Bank and the cops. You can’t arrest someone who did not commit a crime.
Joel Hinrichs • Sep 12, 2017 at 11:28 am
I agree totally. No reason for this to happen. Police and bank are in the wrong. This is not a Facist Regime. Could have been handled professionally and courteous. Over a cup of coffee and a cookie. The bank officials who instigated this fiasco should be charged as well as the police. Smh!
Lynn Johnson • Sep 12, 2017 at 5:19 am
This story isn’t shocking for those who live and work with narrow minded people. Why apologize for being ignorant? Do something about these racist law enforcement officers and inexperienced bank employees. I worked in banking and that check could have been verified if these bank employees were properly trained. These bank employees saw the name and face of someone, they assumed should or would not have that kind of money. Ridiculous! Justice for The Ali family can’t come soon enough!
Lynn Johnson • Sep 12, 2017 at 5:17 am
This story isn’t shocking for those who live and work with narrow minded people. Why apologize for being ignorant? Do something about these racist law enforcement officers and inexperienced bank employees. I worked in banking and that check could have been verified if these bank employees were probably trained. These bank employees saw the name and face of someone, they assumed should or would not have that kind of money. Ridiculous! Justice for The Ali can’t come soon enough!
NoRedNeck • Sep 12, 2017 at 1:10 am
Please leave the sick people and state of Kansas. Move to the west coast. Leave these ugly criminals behind, and go to California.
Dan Miller • Sep 12, 2017 at 12:23 am
Welcome to MAGA! Ain’t it wonderful how Kansas can screw up in so many ways? Let us count them. Gov Brownback sending the state economy into the pits and being reelected. KKKris KKKobach bringing the state into disrepute in every way possible. The Westboro Baptist Church making the state a laughing stock of the world. And now this where a bank and the cops act out their dislike of people with brown skin. Is it really true that the bank doesn’t think it did anything wrong???
Glenda • Sep 22, 2017 at 8:01 pm
I agree Dan. It’s really a shame. People need to wake up and realize that immigrants are not the enemy.
Immigrants don’t hurt the economy, its been proven they IMPROVE IT. But immigrants are an easy scapegoat and Donald Trump and his administration have really stirred up xenophobia and racism to maintain that.
Regressive trickle-down, massive tax cuts for the rich policies are what hurt economies,
Lack of tax money for education & infrastructure hurts economies.
The GOP did that to Kansas, courtesy of Brownback – and now Donald wants to do that on a National scale.
The real enemy is greed – not just any kind of greed – but stock market/shareholder greed and the corruption it fuels. Our government is being bought and sold by huge corporations.
It’s not enough to be profitable anymore. You have to have insanely increased profits & growth and lower costs y/y to keep shareholders happy. A company is no longer beholden to their employees & customers, but to their shareholders.
It is everywhere you turn:
Climate Change – Oil company $$ buys GOP denials and threatens the future of our planet
Healthcare – Shareholder greed causes insane spikes in pharmaceutical & surgical costs
Prisons – Prison privatization means they need to meet quotas for incarcerated persons to be profitable. The war on drugs keeps prisons profitable – rather than providing money for treatment – it goes to jails
Schools – School privatization and “vouchers” will mean our tax dollars are being funneled away from public education. It will become a vicious cycle. Public schools provide opportunity for all children, its one of the things that makes a country great and makes the “American dream” possible.
Donald Trump is the absolute poster child for greed and corruption.
And people think he is going to solve their problems. He is part of the cause, not the solution.
So everyone needs to stop blaming poor people & immigrants.
It’s the billionaires we need to worry about – most of them made their money of other people’s backs.
Our backs.
Oh my... • Sep 11, 2017 at 11:36 pm
I can’t even begin….that man needs to fight for every bit of his rights and every single person in his family. That is awful. Wichita Police are corrupt… that is entirely illegal. Everything about that. I am embarrassed of the Wichita police and apologize for their incompetence. I am so so sorry Sattar Ali and your entire family. 🙁 I hope you find justice.
Tanveer • Sep 13, 2017 at 7:47 pm
This is what happens when ignorant people have children and bring them up like they were brought up. You end up bank employees and cops like this.
Patrick • Sep 13, 2017 at 10:52 pm
Update from the Wichita Eagle :