Opinion Line — Sept. 16


Here are this week’s Opinion Line submissions. Submit anonymous opinions — 40 words or less — via the Opinion Line tab on thesunflower.com homepage, or email them to [email protected].

Re: Last issue’s cover: Can I get a trigger warning next time you run photos of so many old white guys?

Vizzini had better be one hell of a professor.

Fall is the actual worst. Everything is dying and cold and pumpkins are f*&%ing nasty. I said what I said, don’t @ me.


Administrators don’t make nearly enough money to put up with The Sunflower’s constant barrage of negative “news” articles.

I love how WSU vice presidents value the work faculty do in the classroom. If only we could get more responsibility, as professors, we would deserve raises. LUCKILY, our VPs take on all the responsibilities while we frolic in tenure-land, carefree.

Why is this newspaper always so negative about our honorable administrators?

Every time someone sees Bardo this semester, away from a pep rally, he or she should document it in some way. Bardo is a unicorn (leprechaun?).

Campus is not the place to learn how to longboard.