Fund the Present fliers not affiliated with The Sunflower
Several Fund the Present fliers were posted around campus, including one on the bulletin board outside of The Sunflower’s office and one in the newspaper rack in Elliott Hall.
Fliers posted around campus encouraging students to vote against next week’s Shock the Future student fee referendum are not affiliated with The Sunflower. One flier was found on The Sunflower newspaper rack in Elliott Hall Monday evening, and another was found on the bulletin board outside of The Sunflower office Tuesday.
Both fliers have been removed so that they are not confused with The Sunflower’s editorial stance on the referendum. Anyone wishing to advertise with The Sunflower can reach Ad Manager Kylie Cameron at 978-6906 or [email protected].
Several other “Fund the Present” fliers were posted around campus, including one in the Rhatigan Student Center and one on a telephone pole across 17th Street.
“Shiny buildings are worthless with nobody to teach in them,” the fliers read. “When Grad Students are on food stamps, When WSU has a student food pantry, When we’re still paying off buildings we haven’t built, Taking more of our money is an insult, Vote no!”
The referendum, scheduled for next Monday through Wednesday, is a proposal to raise student fees by $6 a credit hour to upgrade campus facilities. If it passes, WSU will be able to bond $38.6 million — $20 million of which will go towards the construction of a new business building on Innovation Campus. Click here to see how the money would be split up between each college’s infrastructure priorities.
The fliers are in the style of Shock the Future signs stuck in the ground around campus, which read, “Vote yes!

Shock the Future signs posted around campus explicitly read “VOTE YES!”

Matthew Kelly is a former editor-in-chief and managing editor for The Sunflower. Kelly graduated in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in political science...