Senate rejects bill that would transfer RSO granting authority to Student Involvement
Monique Gaines / The Sunflower
Senators at the SGA meeting on Nov 10, 2021. A bill regarding transferring RSO granting authority to Student Involvement was rejected during the meeting.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The printed version of this story’s headline falsely said “student affairs”. The bill was discussing the transition of RSO granting authority to Student Involvement, not student affairs. The online version of this story has been updated to reflect these changes.
A student senate bill regarding the transfer of authority to recognize student organizations to Student Involvement was rejected after being tabled last week.
The vote came after much debate on various options to amend the bill, create a new committee to craft a new piece of legislation, or to kill the bill altogether.
This bill follows a controversial decision by the student senate last month that rejected the conservative organization Turning Point USA registered student organization status. The decision was deemed unconstitutional by the Student Supreme Court and was overturned the following week.
The bill was introduced to the senate last week by Senator Ella Perkins.
“Whether the senate has true authority over recognition of RSOs has long been a question, and it has become increasingly clear through conversations that have been had over the last month, the denial of any student group RSO status will always have the potential to put the association in legal jeopardy,” Perkins said.
Last week, the senate voted to table the bill after a large amount of debate from both sides. This week was no different. Student senators went back and forth about the different options for roughly an hour.
The main source of debate was surrounding whether to kill the bill or create a committee to re-evaluate what the bill looked like.
“I believe there are great intentions with this bill,” Ways and Means committee chair Tayton Majors said. “We need more time…In the end, let’s just vote to kill this bill tonight, I think this is the best potential solution.”
Many senators voiced concerns that the bill was created too quickly to provide proper thought.
“This bill has a lot of traction and it also has a lot of different viewpoints,” Freshman Senator Anne Wasinger said. “We can see that there are a lot of people who care how this decision is made. One of my reasons for voting against this bill tonight is that a lot of those discussions were not made in the week that we tabled… And that all comes from how quickly this bill was formed.
“And, you know, it was a very intense time for this organization, I understand the pressure from outside sources … But I do truly think that this bill was done too quickly and I think that this is evidence of that, that so many chairs are interested in developing this bill.”

Julia Nightengale was a third-year reporter for The Sunflower, previously working as a Copy Editor and News Editor. Nightengale is a graduate student working...
Bobbybob • Nov 15, 2021 at 3:44 pm
Yes, lets, as an elected group, kill a bill that would take power away from us because we do not like what could happen because of that. Regardless of what you think of Turning Point USA the second the SGA thought they could deny them RSO status was them moment every one that voted that way should have been removed. There was no standing or legitimate legal reason to deny them aside from, we do not like what your organization says on a national level. Which is the argument of a child, not one of someone who has been elected to represent their community. They brought potential legal troubles to WSU for their own vanity and self righteousness. Get every single one of them off the senate immediately.
People need to realize that just because they do not like something or something offends them, that is in no way a reason it should not exist. Differing opinions and viewpoints are essential to our democracy and those who try to cancel anything that doesn’t fit in their nice little world view are a cancer on our society.
Sam McCrory • Nov 17, 2021 at 6:01 pm
I completely agree. Personally, I voted against this bill not because I think that SGA will make better decisions but because I know SGA has less capability to harass student organizations like they did TPUSA than does the administration itself. To me, it was a matter of which power is the greater danger: a cesspool of student marxists with limited legal resources hampered by their parliamentary system or the centralized might of the university administration flush with money and a legal team. I would much rather battle against SGA in court than the WSU administration. Voting for the bill wasn’t a solution. It would have only exacerbated the issue.
If you would like to discuss this or any other issue, feel free to email me. I am a “returning adult” senator in SGA. My email is [email protected]