Speaker comes to bolster Greeks

David Stollman, professional speaker, entrepreneur and Greek organizations specialist, has begun to get involved with Wichita State to help grow the university Greek system.

Stollman has helped many universities take their Greek life to the next level. He visited WSU Greeks once this year to give them new ideas to recruit and promote unity.

“I do this because I believe without a doubt in my mind that fraternities and sororities are the best part about a college campus,” Stollman said.

Greek life has helped many students stay in school and finish their degrees faster.

Sophomore Micheal Schultz and his fraterniy brothers at Beta Theta Pi took a lot away from Stollman’s visit.

“We immediately made changes after he came to visit,” Schultz said. “We made recruitment teams and used what he said to us.”

Schultz credits the bond he has made with his fraternity brothers in helping him with school.

In the Greek system procedures are set in place when it comes to academics, such as extra study hours. Schultz said that’s where he got to know other Greeks the most — when they were working on homework or philanthropy events.

Greek life has made an impact on freshman Abby Wells, who credits it with helping her transition into college. Wells is a member of Alpha Phi sorority.

“Greek involvement doesn’t mean just getting to hanging out with people in your sorority,” Wells said. “It’s about hanging out with everyone.”

Wells said hanging out with all the different fraternities and sororities on campus this year was the best part of her Greek experience. Shockerthon was Wells’ favorite event of the year back in the fall where she and other Greek members stood for 12 hours for children at St. Jude who can’t.

Student can get involved in fraternities or sororities at WSU by visiting to the Go Greek page of wichita.edu for more information. Formal recruitment takes place in the fall, though a date hasn’t been announced.