Student Fees process continues with budget proposal


Student Fees process continues with budget proposal

The student fees committee took a step forward in the long student fees process Monday by releasing a budget for how over $9 million might be spent over the next fiscal year.

Overall, there was a $924,000 increase in the budget, which translates to a $3.00 per credit hour increase students will have to pay. This is a 10.71 percent increase from last year’s $8.6 million adjusted budget. Student fees consist of money students are charged as part of their tuition. The money goes to fund campus operations ranging from the WSU rowing team to Student Government Association.

The student fees committee heard budget requests from organizations around campus last Thursday and Friday and released their overall recommendations — totaling over $9.5 million — on Monday.

Some of the major recommended increases are:

•   The Rhatigan Student Center jumped from about $4.6 million in the adjusted FY 2014 budget to about $5.1 million for FY 2015. This amount is for operations, a repair reserve and the remodeling project.

•   Campus Recreation had an increase of over $50,000 jumping from $882,270 in FY 2014 to $939,955 in FY 2015.

•   Student health had an increase from $885,782 in FY 2014 to 910,911 in FY 2015.

The student fees process will continue on Wednesday as Student Government Association works through the committee recommendations to make their own budget.

The SGA part of the process is required to have a first and second read, taking a minimum of two weeks in all. SGA will begin this process at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday in RSC 256.