Shocktoberfest events offer fun for everyone

ShockSOBERfest, an alcohol-free drinking party, and visiting Comedy Central comedian, Ben Kronberg, round out the end of this week’s events for Shocktoberfest, the yearly event organized by the Student Activities Council. 


ShockSOBERfest is a drinking-themed event sponsored by both SAC and the Alcohol Advisory Board, said Alex Webb, the issues and awareness chair of the SAC. 

“What it is, is an event to show real-life situations that actually happen in the college scene,” Webb said. “It’ll be all non-alcoholic.”

Webb said the night will include drinking games and contests, as well as an educational activity. At the end of the evening, everyone will be separated into groups, depending on how many drinks they have consumed. Webb said this will be to “show them their intoxication level and tell them who might not make it home,” after the party if they had been drinking alcohol.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun,” Webb said.

ShockSOBERfest will be from 7 to 10 p.m. tonight in the Fairmount commons and game room. Admission is free.

Comedian: Ben Kronberg

Featured on Comedy Central and MTV, Ben Kronberg knows how to make people laugh, and he’ll be coming to WSU tomorrow night to do just that. 

Amber Sevart, campus traditions chair for SAC, said comedian Barry Rothbart originally planned to come, but because of scheduling conflicts, he was replaced by Kronberg, who should be just as entertaining. 

“We’re kind of using it to help celebrate spirit on campus and bring people together,” Sevart said. 

The show will be at the CAC Theater from 8 to 9 p.m. Friday. Admission is free for students with their student ID, $2 for faculty and staff with ID, $3 for the general public and 50 cents for children under 12. 

“People should go because he is pretty funny and also because it’s part of Shocktoberfest,” Sevart said. “It’s kind of like a spirit week for campus, and people should come and celebrate that with us.”