Spring cleaning? Drop off old, unused medication at Wellness Center

Students can bring expired or unused medication to the YMCA Student Wellness Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. as a part of prescription take back throughout the month of April.
Throughout the month of April, students can bring expired or unused medication to the YMCA Student Wellness Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. as a part of prescription takeback.
Prior to dropping off medication, students should remove the label or mark out any personal information.
Upon arrival, students will inform the front desk that they are there to drop off medication and will be directed to the drop-off area.
This service gives students an option to safely and conveniently discard medication. Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is co-sponsored by Student Health Services and the campus police department. It is part of the Drug Enforcement Agencies’ program to reduce drug abuse.
If students miss this deadline, more information about safely disposing of medication can be found here. Other prescription drop-off locations can be found here.
For questions, students can contact Student Health Services at 316-978-4792 or the university police at 316-978-3450.