McNair Scholars to present work

McNair scholars are presenting research on Friday as part of the 18th Annual McNair Research Symposium. The event takes place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex.

The McNair Scholarship program is designed for students who intend to go to graduate school. Undergraduate students may start the program as sophomores. Program director LaWanda Holt-Fields said the program serves as a good support system for these students.

The program is serving 28 students this year. All students write a research topic proposal of their choice.

Twelve of 15 students completed their research and will be presenting their work at the symposium.

Some students completed their research throughout the academic year, while others worked throughout the summer. Their work is the culmination of 200 hours (minimum), and will be presented orally and on posters.

Research topics range from social work to engineering.