All you can eat chili feed to raise money for local charity

Sigma Pi Epsilon and Delta Gamma are hosting their annual Zach Mesch Chili Feed this Friday.

Wichita State Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Gamma are joining hands to put on the 4th annual Zach Mesch Chili Feed this Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m at the SigEp house at 1740 N. Vassar, just south of campus.

“The Chili Feed raises money for Zach’s Wishes for Miracles and that supports a camp for children with leukemia and a WSU scholarship,” said Olivia Sullivan, member of DG.

Zach Mesch was a SigEp member who was first diagnosed at the age of 16 and was said to have won against Lymphoma before being diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia while in college. Mesch battles with ALL for seven months before his passing away on the Fourth of July in 2010.

“Zach Mesch was the WU mascot and gave a lot back to the community in Wichita,” Sullivan said.

His girlfriend was a member of DG and ever since Mesch’s passing both houses have worked together to raise money by putting on the Chili Feed.

In the past the proceeds have gone to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and other organizations, said Tyler Joe, SigEp’s vice president of Programming and president-elect, who added that this year all the proceeds will go to the Zach’s Wishes for Miracles.

“We’ve been trying to reach out to everyone by advertising a lot on campus and using mass communication like Twitter and Facebook,” Joe said.

Joe encourages students not in the Greek community to come out and get involved.

The Chili Feed is all you can eat and will include desserts provided by the ladies of Delta Gamma.

DG and SigEp’s Parent’s Club will play a big role in the Chili Feed, providing the crock-pots of chili. Also sponsoring are Walmart and Dillons who will help pay for plates and cups.

Raffle tickets will be sold separately for $1 both days, for prizes such as gift cards. The raffles will take place both days from noon to 1:00 p.m. and from 5-6 p.m. on Friday and again on Saturday from 4-5 p.m. Tickets at the door are $7 while in advance are $5 for the Chili Feed.