Red Cross in need of more blood

The American Red Cross usually doesn’t visit Wichita State for a blood drive during the summer. Its visit from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today in the Heskett Center indicates a greater need than usual.

Jennifer Keller is the communications manager with the American Red Cross of the Central Plains.

“It’s a difficult time right now,” Keller said. “We’re low everywhere.”

Nationwide, the Red Cross is 50,000 donated units below where the supply needs to be. This leaves the Red Cross with less than half the amount of blood available compared with last summer.

Keller said this low of a blood supply means blood cannot be moved from one part of the state or country to another where a greater need exists.

“We’ve struggled all year,” she said. “It’s nothing we can pinpoint.”

The Red Cross’s Central Plains region needs to collect 500 pints of blood a day to maintain an adequate supply. Keller said that tropical storms like Debby, which made landfall in Florida on June 26, can disrupt the supply of blood donations.

“If those homes are destroyed, the last thing they’re thinking is ‘I need to make my blood appointment,’” Keller said.

Summertime is especially difficult because people take vacations, have family obligations and other commitments.

“We all get busy in the summertime,” Keller said. “We just need to make time to give blood.”

All blood types are needed, but especially O positive, O negative, B negative and A negative. 

Anyone 16 to 21 years old can register to win a $5,000 scholarship. Everyone can register to win a Gibson Guitar and get a rock ‘n’ roll themed T-shirt as long as supplies last. Sixteen-year-olds must have parental consent to give blood.