The basketball athletes of today are training with more structure than in the past. Instead of playing at a public park for a pick-up game, they can be found at facilities like Wichita Sports Forum or...
After an exhibition game against Kansas State last week where the Wichita State volleyball team folded after falling behind, head coach Chris Lamb challenged the Shockers to respond to stress.
Owen Prothro, Assistant Sports Editor
• August 30, 2024
Matej Bošnjak, the final addition to men’s basketball’s 2024-25 roster, has arrived in Wichita, and, for the past two weeks, has been adjusting to life in the United States both on and off the...
Last year, Wichita State volleyball won the National Invitational Volleyball Championship (NIVC). The team that takes the court Saturday to open the 2024 season will look a little different than that squad.
Teri Hall, Vice President for Student Affairs
• August 20, 2024
Dear Shockers,
Welcome back to another exciting year of college! As you step onto campus, I want to extend a warm welcome and share some thoughts to inspire and encourage you.
College is a time...
Kylee Hower, Student Body President
• August 18, 2024
Welcome back to campus! I hope your summer was filled with rest, relaxation and fun! Hopefully you are all ready to tackle the year ahead of you and whatever challenges may come your way.
Welcome back to campus, Shockers!
This marks my 19th first day of school at Wichita State University, and the excitement never fades. Each year brings new beginnings, new faces and endless possibilities.
Hello, Shockers! Welcome — or welcome back — to Wichita State University!
No matter how you spent your time these past few months — whether in summer classes, working at an applied learning...
Owen Prothro, Assistant Sports Editor
• August 17, 2024
Nov. 15, 1986, was the last time Wichita State University competed in a football game. Now, nearly 40 years later, students and fans of Shocker athletics can once again have the college football game-day...
After three years of planning and construction, the Shocker Success Center is open to students. The building, located in what was formerly Clinton Hall, houses several different programs previously in...
Owen Prothro, Assistant Sports Editor
• August 16, 2024
Wichita State tennis player Luke Bracks recently competed against some of the best collegiate players in the country in a summer national championship tournament. He said the appearance could help inspire...