‘Most carefree dude on campus’
I got to know you for about half a year.
During that timeframe …
We stumbled on a homeless guy masturbating in Ablah. Never forget.
We heatedly argued — multiple times — about who would get to interview the cute girl for a story.
We always supported each other’s Trump hate-posts on Facebook, and, dare I say it, we made a damn good tag-team.
You assuredly took the throne as vape king of Elliott Hall — maybe switch it up from the cereal flavor some time, though.
You were always the happiest, most carefree dude on campus — just look at that baby face.
You shaped The Sunflower, and me, more than you knew.
God works in mysterious ways. What we wouldn’t do to have you back, man.

Andrew Linnabary was the 2018-2019 Digital Managing Editor of The Sunflower. He studied journalism and minored in English. Linnabary is from Wichita, Kansas.