Construction to begin on 2 unnamed additions to Innovation Campus this summer
Wichita State announced three new buildings on Innovation Campus that will begin this summer, but did not release the names of the tenants of those buildings.
“This is moving faster than we envisioned when we announced the Innovation Campus in August 2014,” said WSU President John Bardo in an email statement sent to students.
Partnership Building
One of the new buildings announced will be a 45,000-square-foot partnership building will “house tenants whose needs include working with WSU students and / or faculty,” the university statement said.
The partnership building will be located west of Airbus and north of the Experiential Engineering building. Construction will begin “in the next several weeks” and be completed in mid-2018, the statement said.
Braeburn Square
Two multi-tenant buildings in Braeburn Square, east of Starbucks, are expected to open in spring or summer of 2018.
“Developers are in discussions with potential tenants to occupy about 20,000 square feet,” the university statement said.
“No tenants will be named until agreements are concluded.”
Westin Hotel
Construction of a 90-room Element by Westin Hotel will begin in late summer and be open by fall 2018 near 19th Street and Oliver, the university said.
“There is land near the Element for a second hotel and two drive-through restaurants,” the university said.

Chance Swaim was the Editor in Chief of The Sunflower from fall 2017 to spring 2018.
Swaim was a graduate student in the English Department working...
Salty student • May 24, 2017 at 9:51 am
So no classrooms?
rolling my eyes • Jul 18, 2017 at 3:10 pm
….priorities, guys.
I hope something happens where this all doesn’t work out and WSU administration just looks like the idiots that they are.
salty student • Jul 18, 2017 at 9:53 pm
I really wonder who they intend to rent hotels to on 19th and Oliver? Rich parents to visit their kid in the dorms? or future football recruits, and potential vice presidents of some new made up department? I can guarantee you that the surrounding neighborhood is unlikely to have visiting friends/family stay in the hotel.
I think the administrators live in fairy land Florida where parents. students, and the surrounding neighborhood has loads of free money to spend on school, shopping, coffee, and fast food. They need to realize that they are in da hood, and a conservative one at that. I really want to know what is the exit strategy to all of this if/when it fails. Will students be liable to massive losses when these businesses realize there is little demand? What agreements/lies were made or said.?
Shouldn’t the students be benefiting from all of this… say like free parking like how it was when I first started with roughly the same number of students or how about no fees for the new YMCA building. Where are students getting benefits from the Innovation campus?
-The answer is not Starbucks.
Fees went up, so in my opinion the innovation campus does nothing for students.
Lastly, when was the last time you herd administration mention anything about improving academics?