SGA adds seats to standing committees, considers redirecting own rollover money to fund student events

Selena Favela

Senators ask questions during the SGA meeting Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018.

The Student Government Association passed a bill Wednesday that adds student seats to the Educational Opportunity Fund and the Student Fees Committee.

Both committees determine how student fees are distributed. Each committee will now have five student seats, giving students more of a say in managing the funds collected from them.

SGA also discussed the possibility of using their own rollover money — student fees allocated to SGA not spent in previous years — to fund student events.

“We want to find a way to give that money back to students,” Treasurer Stella Yang said.

Yang said because SGA cannot simply redistribute their unused funds back to students, they are attempting to establish a framework where those funds will be used to benefit students as directly as possible.

Extra funds from past fees allocations to SGA would form a pool. Academic departments and registered student organizations could then submit applications to acquire portions of those funds to hold events open to the student body. Organizations applying for funds would have to show that their proposed events benefited the student body and required funding that couldn’t be obtained through other sources.

Senators proposed using the money in other ways, including buttressing the Shocker Support Locker or donating to Wichita State’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals fund. Wang said such ideas will continue to be considered as SGA moves towards a definitive action regarding how the rollover money is handled.