Khan, Haas elected student body president, VP
Courtesy of Empowering Shockers, Together.
Rija Khan, SGA president, and Mackenzie Haas, vice president.
Rija Khan will be Wichita State’s next student body president, with Mackenzie Haas as her vice president.
With 12,837 eligible voters, only 1,079 voted – an 8.4% turnout. Last year’s election saw a 16.2% turnout with four executive tickets running.
Khan and Haas defeated Courtney Price-Dukes and Maribel Sánchez with 53.5% of the vote.
In their campaign, Khan and Haas prioritized mental health, inclusivity, and college affordability.
“These issues have hit our students pretty hard with everything going on right now, and we are going to ensure that student wellbeing remains at the forefront of our goals,” Haas said in an earlier interview with The Sunflower.
Both students have been involved in student government in various roles. Haas currently serves as SGA’s public relations director. Khan is a liberal arts and sciences senator and first chair on the senate’s ways and means committee.
Results will be certified Friday at 5 p.m.

Kylie Cameron was the Editor in Chief of The Sunflower for the 2019-2020 school year.
She is a senior studying political science and journalism and...