Hughes Metroplex offers noncredit classes

Many students cross the stage at graduation thankful that they have finally completed their education. Yet, as people continue through their lives education doesn’t really stop. Some pick up new hobbies. Others may decide to change career paths. The Office of Continuing Education is offering noncredit classes to adults at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex.

Charlotte Howard, the director of continuing education, said that the classes are more about personal growth rather than earning credits.

The program is self-supporting and no degree is required to register, nor are people required to enroll at Wichita State.

“We don’t have enrollment in the traditional sense,” Howard said. “We have our own registration that is separate from WSU’s admissions.”

The noncredit classes have a spectrum of disciplines including alternative adult studies, art and literature, community interests, computers, home and garden, foreign languages, finances, photography, recreation, special interests, sports and even wine-tasting.  The classes range in price from $25 to $140 per person, often including textbooks.   

“I love them [the noncredit classes],” said Brenda Woodman, a student enrolled in a landscape design class this semester. “When you don’t know where to start this is a great place to be.”

Howard stressed that all are welcome to attend classes.

“I’m hesitant to put an age on our students,” Howard said. “We don’t want anyone to feel like they aren’t welcome here. So really it’s working adults to retirement age [that enroll in classes].”

She said that they even had a student that just recently celebrated her 100th birthday.

Howard said that enrollment is looking very good with over 600 adults participating in different courses this semester.

 “I’ve taken several noncredit classes for just personal growth without the pressures of getting a grade,” Woodman said.

The Hughes Metroplex is located near the corner of 29th and Oliver.  More information on the noncredit courses can be found at