How to start a student organization on campus
Students interested in starting their own student organization can add to the 172 that already exist on campus. Abbi Whisler, the student organization coordinator for Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership (SEAL), explained just how to do that.
Whisler typically sets up one-on-one sessions with students to talk them through the process. When a student approaches her, she first looks at if a similar organization exists.
“Even if there is, I never turn away a student and what kind of club they want to create,” Whistler said. “We just try not to duplicate too many of them.”
SEAL has three requirements to form a student organization.
- Five or more student members with a president and treasurer
- A faculty or staff member to serve as the advisor
- Governing documents including a constitution and bylaws
After Whisler receives this information, she will talk the student through the process of recognition through Student Government Association.
All of the organization’s information will be sent to the chair of the Ways and Means Committee which oversees recommendations and issues regarding student organizations for SGA. From there, a representative of the student organization will give a short presentation.
The presentation should include what the organization is, why it is important to campus life and answer any questions the committee has.
After receiving committee approval, the organization will have to present to the Student Senate to be recognized or not.
Typically, this takes two meetings of the Senate. The first meeting will not result in action but allows for questions, discussion and debate.
The following meeting, senators vote on whether to recognize the organization or not. SGA provides $250 in funding to help start new organizations.
After this process is complete, Whisler will meet with the organization to create their ShockerSync page, go over rules and regulations, and finish any other paperwork.
If you’re looking to start a new organization you can reach out to Whisler at [email protected] or visit SEAL’s website.
To join a current organization visit ShockerSync to browse and see events.

Danielle Wagner was a reporter for The Sunflower. Her favorite quote is by Kristen Costello: "And one day the girl with the books became the woman writing...