Involvement fair seeks to engage students

The Student Involvement Fair offers opportunities for students interested in everything from Harry Potter to going Greek while at Wichita State.

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at the Heskett Center west lawn, interested students can attend the fair to meet representatives of campus organizations and clubs that Wichita State offers.

Student Involvement is sponsoring the event, which is being organized by Lyston Skerritt, coordinator of student organization and civic engagement/student involvement.

Skerritt said the majority of clubs and organizations involved recruit students during the event.

“You’re going to see about 90 different student groups, from honor societies to academic groups to Greeks, just a great assortment of them that will have information and ways of getting involved,” he said.

Students can expect to meet groups and have the opportunity to join.

Groups presenting materials include religious groups such as Christian Challenge and the Newman Center, clubs for international students, volunteer groups such as Global Awareness Student Project and interest-based clubs such as Shockers Forever.

Skerritt said the fair features a live DJ and giveaways.

“[The fair has] a campus life feel, giving [students] the opportunity to engage in great networking opportunities with students on campus,” Skerritt said.

The fair gives students the opportunity to get engaged outside of the classroom, he said.

This year’s Involvement Fair is much bigger than in years past, which makes it unique, Skerritt said.

“We have more student organizations,” he said. “We ended last year with 180 groups, so you’re looking at 50 percent of all student organizations that will be on site giving information out, which is incredible.”