WSU quidditch team to host demonstration
Damon Penner, a sophomore majoring in History, is the vice president of Wichita State Quidditch. He scores by throwing the quaffle ball through the hoop.
The wizarding world of Harry Potter has its own home at Wichita State.
This Friday, the Shocker quidditch team will be hosting Quidditch in the Yard on the main campus. Starting at 11:30 a.m. in the courtyard in between Clinton Hall, Neff Hall and the Geology building, the team will demonstrate and play the game made famous by the Harry Potter franchise.
The event is open to everyone.
Qudditch in the fictional movies requires participants to fly on broomsticks to get the “quaffle,” the ball that is used, through a hoop. The sport in the real world still requires its players to ride a broomstick, but obviously no flying is involved. More rules will be explained at the event.
Following the demonstration, an informational meeting will be held for those interested in joining the team, or looking for more explanation. The meeting will be held in Heskett 207.

Marshall Sunner was the sports editor for The Sunflower. Sunner majored in communications with a journalism emphasis. He was born and raised in Hutchinson,...