May commencement will be a virtual reality
WuShock wears a cap and gown at May 2019’s LAS commencement ceremony.
Wichita State President Jay Golden announced Wednesday that graduation ceremonies will be a virtual affair come May. But that doesn’t mean graduates won’t have an opportunity for the real deal later this year.
Graduates will be able to walk and celebrate with friends and loved ones in-person as early as October.
“During these difficult times, we’re trying to step up,” Golden said. “I want to have a special note to our graduating seniors and to our graduate students who will be ready to graduate at the end of the semester.
“You guys are very special. This is a very special graduating class.”
The announcement came by way of a video Golden recorded and posted to the university YouTube account.
He said the university will be holding a virtual commencement ceremony at the end of the semester.
“It’s not ideal, but it will be able to provide to you and your families a recognition of all that you have done,” Golden said. “It will be basically the normal graduation commencement but caught on video.
“But that’s not good enough in my mind. So, what we’re going to be doing is in October, having a special graduation ceremony for all those who are expected to graduate this May.”
Golden said he wanted to allow people an opportunity to have the ceremony with family and friends as expected, even if it can’t happen in May.
“I really truly want to recognize everything you’ve done.”
For those who cannot make the October ceremony because of work or other commitments, Golden said graduates can also attend the December ceremony.
“We will honor and recognize all of your efforts,” he said. “We want you to celebrate and I want to celebrate with you and your families.
“We want to recognize all that you have done. It’s been a lot of hard work.”

Audrey Korte was a reporter and the opinion editor for The Sunflower. She hosted The Sunflower News Podcast.