Students workers support Shocker Support Locker

Mia Hennen

Students look through the Shocker Support Locker for different food or hygiene products. The locker offered free products to students, faculty and staff Monday through Friday.

For almost six years now, the Shocker Support Locker has provided students, faculty and staff the ability to access items like food, clothing, toiletries, etc.

Although the locker is hidden – tucked into a small room inside Grace Wilkie Hall – the students and staff that work there have been able to give needed items to thousands of people in the Wichita State community with the help of donor dollars and community partners and supporters.

“It feels good to me, even though we’re off in the weird little building on campus that no one knows about, like the school hasn’t forgotten about it. They still work to make it better,” Emma Glover, Shocker Support Locker student assistant, said.

The locker opened its doors in February 2016, after being approved by the Student Government Association (SGA) in November 2015. 

From July to Oct. 26, 2022, the locker had been accessed over 23,000 times, with almost 700 users in that time frame. Due to this overwhelming use, the locker struggled this fall semester to replete the locker. 

“We were trying to keep it fully stocked all the time, like a grocery store, and it was just impossible to keep up,” Glover said. “So, funds that were supposed to last the whole year were getting used up in the first few months of school.”

During the pandemic, the federal government gave states money for higher education. After utilizing this money, the Kansas Board of Regents – the governing board of all higher education institutions in Kansas – had $600,000 left over. In light of the locker’s difficulty, the board provided the locker with $105,000 for food and hygiene products.

“Complete game changer for us, as we continue to purchase stock and supplies for the locker,” Gabriel Fonseca, SGA advisor, said during SGA’s meeting on Nov. 2.

The locker obtains its supplies from a variety of different places, the Kansas Food Bank being a major one. Students that work in the locker help provide feedback on needed supplies.

“The students are the ones who see what’s getting checked out, so they have a good idea of what we need,” Glover said. “So, sometimes, we’ll suggest things that we need to order.” 

Nawaz Arsalan Mohammed works with the locker and offers a unique perspective as an international student from India.

“Many Indian students come here to grab something because they love the things which we provide to them, so they come regularly, on a weekly basis,” Mohammed said.

Of the almost 700 users who accessed the locker from July to October, over 500 were international students. Since most international students lack personal transportation options, getting around to stores in the community can be difficult.

“Campus doesn’t have a lot of grocery stores available around, so it’s really important that [international students] can get food here,” Glover said.

The locker runs on a small staff, with about three to four students working on any given day throughout the week. Much of the staff applied to work at the locker as a way to give back.

“Last year, I got the job, and I started because one of my sister’s friends had worked here,” Glover said. “I was like, ‘Wow, that sounds like a great job.’ And I’ve always been a fan of volunteering.”

Mohammed applied for the opportunity to meet and work with different people.

“I love to interact with more people and working over there,” Mohammed said. “It’s just one of the coolest organizations.”

The locker is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m and on Fridays from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

To donate to the locker, visit