Strange men ask women to get in cars in Wichita State parking lots
A full parking lot sits adjacent to Eck Stadium on Wichita State’s campus.
Two female students were approached on campus by strange men who asked them to get inside their cars last week.
Around noon Monday, a female student said she was approached by an “African-American” man who appeared to be 19 or 20 years old, in a black, four-door car who asked her to get inside his car.
She was approached in parking lot 19 East, which surrounds Eck Stadium, on the north side of campus.
Tuesday afternoon, another female student was approached by two men as she crossed 17th Street to the parking lot just south of campus. She said they pulled over in a silver, four-door car and said, “You doin’ all right? You should come with us. Do you have a boyfriend? You should come with us.”
She identified the two men as black males and said they “pulled around a couple times and kept asking the same questions.” She said the driver had a “scruffy beard” and the passenger wore eyeglasses.
Both incidents were reported to Wichita State police.
If approached by the cars, students should contact university police at 316-978-3450.

Jenna Farhat was the news editor of The Sunflower. Farhat majored in creative writing.