SGA tickets talk Shock the Future

Four tickets for student body president and vice president will be on the ballot next month. Julian Cornejo, Reid Linot, Isaac Rivera, and Kitrina Miller lead the four tickets. Last year, Kenon Brinkley won unopposed.

The Sunflower caught up with the candidates and asked for their key issues and what their stance is on the Shock the Future referendum, which students will be voting on until Wednesday.

Last December, Brinkley, who resigned as student body president in February, said that the referendum and SGA elections were separated because administrators didn’t want the referendum to be “centered around someone’s election platform.”

President- Julian Cornejo

VP- Will Schindler

Key issues: uniting Shockers from all walks of life, making WSU more transfer friendly

Do you support the referendum?: “Heck yes! I think that it will be wonderful for the school! My only worry is that Fine Arts will be put off until the end.”


President- Isaac Rivera

VP- Anisia Brumley

Key issues: reinforcing the purpose of SGA, creating a council of students, providing consistent programming

Do you support the referendum?: “Repairs are only going to get more expensive as time goes on, so it can be a lot to ask for $90 for a student with 15 credits in a semester, but there’s no other path if we want to make WSU a premier institution.”


President- Kitrina Miller

VP- Michael Bearth

Key issues: increasing the availability of student services, expanding incentive programs and benefits, ensuring clear, concise, and transparent communication

Do you support the referendum?: “I personally believe there are both pros and cons. However, I do not believe it is my job to force an opinion onto the student body, but to ensure that they are educated and vote for what they believe to be the best option for themselves.”


President- Reid Linot

VP- Blake Christopherson

Key issues: focusing on mental health, student success, diversity and inclusion of all students, and campus innovation

Do you support the referendum?: “We feel as if students were not given a voice or enough options. In the future, we hope that we can make all voices heard while trying to improve the university.”